I couldn’t find much about this camera on the web. Zone focus camera with (in theory) exchangeble lenses, Rodenstock Trinar L, 2,8/40
1961 – 1964
Flea market, I think (could be a thrift store).
I really liked the look and feel of this camera. The golden mirrored viewfinder, the weight, the detacheble back, it just looked so sexy. Unfortunately, I quickly found out the advance mechanisn is faulty. Most of the time the film will not advance when you turn the wheel. I found out pretty late in my second test roll (second? Yes, I found it again in my attic after not using it for some years, and had forgotten it was broke) there’s a nity little slit in the body that allows you to see the top sprocket holes. So if the film is not winding, at least you can see it. Shooting with the lens cap on and winding again until it moves helps, but it’s a lot of trouble. Some of the resulting doubles are pretty cool, but mostly I ended up with a blurry mess. Too bad, such a pretty little camera… Maybe one day I’ll have enough technical skills to fix it.